Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Phone Call

Is it just me or do you remember this from seminary too?
This movie quite actually makes me ill.
{Or maybe that's just because I didn't eat lunch...}
No real reason for sharing this adorable little clip besides the fact that I can.

So T-minus 2 days until I get my wisdom teeth out...
I think I might cry.
Those teeth have been with me all these years and now it is time to say "buh-bye." I don't know if I am strong enough.
If you have tips-- Please contact me ASAP!

And last but not least,
I am looking for a part-time bed-maker.
You will be on contract {no quitting here} and must be willing to work for free. {College doesn't pay for itself!}
The hours are: whenever my bed isn't made.
Benefits include: being graced by my presence more than you could think imaginable, receiving free junk that I'm trying to get rid of, and having a skill that will bring your resume from mediocre to sterling!
Just let me know. 
OR you can just show up starting tomorrow morning and surprise me! Brownie points!!!

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